Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iron Deficient? Go to Friendly's for Lunch

Its a secret no longer....Friendly's offers iron boosting extra's to your midday meal. No,... no need to thank them...THEY don't even know they are doing it...
I went to lunch with my friend Libby (who is pregnant by the way and should be taking extra iron) and we both ordered salads. As she was getting to the end of her meal, she bit down on something and thought she had a problem with a tooth, but instead-out she pulls what looks like a nail, or part of an earring, or who the hell knows, but its not an ingredient commonly found in a salad--or any other entree.
So we call over the waitress, who was very nice, and asked her for the manager. Well, you would think that during a lunch time, in a restaurant that just opened the day after Christmas, that the discovery of a nail in a PREGNANT woman's salad would be cause for concern and would spur an immediate resolution.....You would think......
The manager wandered over after awhile and seemed amazed that <--this was in the salad. The waitress adds that she had made the salads. i pointed out that she assembled them, but that she did not do the prep work-hinting that they should start with questioning that individual. Well, here's the bottom line..your not gonna believe it..... The manager told Libby she would take the salad off the bill and that she could have a sundae....I was tempted to ask whether it would be a Happy Ending Sundae, but decided to just shut up. Well, the sundae took forever and then even though Libby was gracious enough to order a small kid size one so as not to appear greedy, they ended up making her some gynormous sundae that it took 2 people to eat....... So if you find yourself to be mineral deficient in any respect, I recommend going to Friendly's. If you are low in folic acid, you might find a hair follicle in your food, or say you could boost your zinc intake to ward off colds,a thoughtful kitchen employee might drop a half eaten cough drop in your soup, calcium deficient? who knows what awaits Friendly's- Home of the Happy Ending