Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Craig-The Legend!!

The responses are coming in...and it's not looking good for Craig....I'll be posting email/craigslist responses here and maybe even Craigs comments--if he can tear himself away from all those adoring women in his life......

Craig must have gotten upset and alerted Craigslist because they took off my original post. I'm going to ASSUME that its because I tried to sneak in the name of my blog...so, I reposted without it, but let people know that they could email me and I'd be happy to hook them up....Someone else posted a "love letter" to Craig and it was deleted from Craigslist as well.

BUT...I saved it before they did...LOL. Take a look-->

TO: Craig Ries Liar defamer, libeler, slanderer; perjurer; distorter (BOYNTON)
Reply to: mailto:pers-688656175@craigslist.org?subject=TO:%20Craig%20Ries%20Liar%20defamer,%20libeler,%20slanderer%3b%20perjurer%3b%20distorter%20(BOYNTON)Date: 2008-05-20, 7:13PM EDT
Your many posts are the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime. How about writing that crap into proper syntax, form, and grammar so that I can at least understand what you are saying before I dismiss it? No doctor is that dumb to write that many lies and think they would get away with It... It seems your fingers not only did your typing, but did your thinking too. Have you considered suing your brain for non-support? You wouldn't know a clue if it walked up to you, bit you on the ass, and announced 'I AM A CLUE'. A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part. As Ellen Glasgow once remarked: "He knows so little and knows it so fluently." What possessed you to think that you were capable of being entertaining or interesting to woman? You are the kind of person who, when one first meets you, one doesn't like you. But when one gets to know you better, one hates you. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if your brain cells weren't on the Endangered Species list from smoking all that pot you call 420; if you weren't so stupid that even single-celled organisms out score you in IQ tests; or if you didn't have a face that makes Medusa look like a supermodel. Who am I kidding? You would. I have news for you woman are smart and will figure you out quickly! I also want you to know I am a close friend and ex boyfriend to the woman that you slandered calling names and posting fake nude photos of. The fact is she is the nicest most honest person I know and you never even met the her. In conclusion, why don't you go away and play Russian roulette with all chambers fully-loaded?
Location: BOYNTON

Im thinking Craig may be up for awhile getting things removed from CL--ah well, such is life.....Stay tuned--> Im sure its not over....

  • Wednesday 5PM----Just emails looking for my blog site to read....
  • Wednesday 5:30PM--I spy:
OH NO~ Who Luvs Kravis Center Wellington Man 35 seeks --SICKO CRAIG (SLIMIEST CREEP ON CL)
Reply to: mailto:pers-689286163@craigslist.org?subject=OH%20NO~%20Who%20Luvs%20Kravis%20Center%20Wellington%20Man%2035%20seeks%20%20--SICKO%20CRAIG%20%20(SLIMIEST%20CREEP%20ON%20CL)Date: 2008-05-21, 10:20AM EDT
STOP CRAIG STOP! We have exposed you for the lunatic you are all over CL. You can't even rememeber your fucking AGE (sometimes you're 38 (and have been for years) sometimes 35. Sometimes you're a 'doctor' (but know NOTHING about medical terminology) sometimes a realtor. If a woman rejects you, you post FILTHY PORN PICS of "her" claiming she wanted fake boobs. (YOUR WORDS) You don't have money, polo ponies, planes or even a BRAIN. You're a sick SICK person and you need psychiatric help.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

  • Wednesday 6:30 PM--More email looking for the blog addy. (This lady even prepared herself with chocolates and popcorn before settling down to read---ain't that cute?)
  • AND the last one of the evening...and it appears that it is from Craig to Me....sigh.....

Who Luvs Starbucks? MD / 35seeks $tarbucks Companion+420 - - 35 (Wellington check out my new pics) "poloman4life06@aol.com" to me
poloman4life06@aol.com has forwarded you this craigslist.org posting.Please see below for more information.
Who Luvs Starbucks? MD / 35seeks $tarbucks Companion+420 - Reply to: pers-690184897@craigslist.orgDate: 2008-05-21, 9:44PM
Recently single very cool Doctor NOT looking for any drama...Seeking Single super hot Female only reply w/ clear full body clothed pic and I will reply. I love my favorate Caffè Misto Café Au Lait and steamed milk I also like Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha after I smoke a 420 fattie. Hope to see you soon. Please reply with your number I am in surgery all day tomorrow and prefer not to wasting time emailing and have tons of mins to use up on my cell... Dont be a hater... Craig
Location: Wellington check out my new pics
Original URL: http://westpalmbeach.craigslist.org/m4w/690184897.html -------------------------------------------------this craigslist posting was forwarded to you by someone using ouremail-a-friend feature - if you want to prevent these, please go to:http://www.craigslist.org/cgi-bin/te/r52blVmbnB0cpFWbj5CbA02bF <--This is NEW...hmmm

Warning Ladies..."Mr Wonderful" Is Back on Craigslist!!

In the past 3 years, I have had the dubious pleasure of experiencing entertainment from what can only be called "selective amnesia-dementia-stupida with a secondary diagnosis of ego -grande -inflatus", apparently fueled by entirely too much 420 activity. Yup...rightcheer on Craigslist...imagine that.
Long story short: There is a guy named Craig- I shit you not-who periodically will post on Craigslist (all over the place) and present himself as a doctor, boater, surgeon, etc looking for a mate, soulmate, yada yada yada....

Well, he's back and although you will see that other ladies have posted on CL to out him...Im going to go one step further. Im going to blog about him here and then send him an email and invite him to check it out. I have no doubt that instead of pissing him off...this will serve to further inflate his ego. Thats okay...im sure he has nothing else to bring to the bed, er um...table.

Who Luvs Kravis Center Wellington Man 35 seeks Companion +420 - 35 (City Place on the 22nd)
Reply to: mailto:pers-687752655@craigslist.org?subject=Who%20Luvs%20Kravis%20Center%20Wellington%20Man%2035%20seeks%20Companion%20+420%20-%2035%20(City%20Place%20on%20the%2022nd)Date: 2008-05-20, 6:48AM EDT
Recently single and NOT looking for any drama...I have two tickets 4 JEWISH PRINCESSES OF COMEDY on the 22nd Thursday at 8:00 PM. We can go th dinner at ruth chris first...Single super hot Female only reply w/pic and I will reply. 420 only This is his post and these are the pics in the post.....and if this is all there was to it, i guess it would be innocent enough. Instead he has posted vulgar pics of women on the Craigslist later on and wrote that it was YOU!!!

Now, lets read some of the posts from the ladies (remember women scorned?)

YIKES Who Luvs 420? Wellington Man 35 seeks Boating - SICKO PSYCHO (CRAZY CRAIG THE LOON IS BACK)
Reply to: mailto:pers-687916864@craigslist.org?subject=YIKES%20Who%20Luvs%20420%3f%20Wellington%20Man%2035%20seeks%20Boating%20-%20SICKO%20PSYCHO%20(CRAZY%20CRAIG%20THE%20LOON%20IS%20BACK)Date: 2008-05-20, 10:31AM EDT
RUN GIRLS RUN. THIS SICK NUT has been blasted off CL for years. He was "38" years old 4 years ago. He is NOT polo player. He does NOT own horses or a boat even his pictures are ancient. As soon as you refuse him he posts pics of some girl with her legs SPREAD and says you asked him for fake boobs (his words) and that you're a crack whore. He doesn't even remember his own lies. Doesn't remember his age. Sometimes he's a "doctor" (ask him medical questions, he hasn't a clue!) then a realtor then .... He's a complete psychotic creep. He's creeped out women all over CL. WE keep exposing him to keep you SAFE.

RUN==Who Luvs Kravis Center Wellington Man 35 -PSYCHO CRAIG IS BACK (RUN LIKE HELL)
Reply to: mailto:pers-687912045@craigslist.org?subject=RUN==Who%20Luvs%20Kravis%20Center%20Wellington%20Man%2035%20-PSYCHO%20CRAIG%20IS%20BACK%20(RUN%20LIKE%20HELL)Date: 2008-05-20, 10:31AM EDT
Hey CRAIG did you forget your AGE??? It was 38 THREE Years ago!!!! THIS GUY IS a NUT ladies. He lies about his age, his profession (he tried being a "doctor" once but couldn't even discuss medical terminology) then a realtor then a Polo player. He's totally NUTs and has been run off every city on CL. His pics are OLD, and when you reject him he posts pictures of some poor girl with her legs spread and says it's YOU and that you want 'fake boobs'. This guy is the lowest sickest SCUM BAG NUTCASE on CL. RUN RUN RUN LIKE HELL. CRAIG GO BACK TO THE PSYCH WARD AND TAKE YOUR MEDS!!!!

And...the latest one from him....TODAY

Who Luvs Starbucks? MD / 35seeks $tarbucks Companion+420 - (WELLINGTON /VERSAILLES)
Reply to: mailto:pers-688456136@craigslist.org?subject=Who%20Luvs%20Starbucks%3f%20MD%20/%2035seeks%20$tarbucks%20Companion+420%20-%20%20%20(WELLINGTON%20/VERSAILLES)Date: 2008-05-20, 4:51PM EDT
Recently single very cool Doctor NOT looking for any drama...sEEKING Single super hot Female only reply w/ clear full body clothed pic and I will reply. I love my favorate Caffè Misto Café Au Lait and steamed milk I also like Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha after I smoke a 420 fattie. Hope to see you soon. Craig

This is the one Im responding to with an invite back to my place...uh...blog :) Come back to keep up with the adventures of "Craig-A Legend In His Own Mind!!!!!"

******This is a copy of the one I just placed a moment ago on Craigslist -----LOL -Enjoy!!****

Reply to: mailto:pers-688618377@craigslist.org?subject=Craig!!!!...Daaahhhllling!!!!Date: 2008-05-20, 6:42PM EDT
Hey Craig: Hows it going? I read with great interest your latest round of fiction disguised as personal ads. While I have followed your exploits rather unobtrusively from the sidelines and because your sad story is infinitely more interesting (okay-tabloidish) than what I had previously planned on blogging about (discriminatory practices at local malls), today I have decided to join the ranks of thse other ladies who deem it appropriate to "out" you. im not only responding to your ad here to OUT you, but you are my feature today on the blog. In addition to sending you this, i will also copy and paste this to Craigslist to ensure MAXIMUM exposure, thus assisting you in getting all those responses you are truly waiting for. No, no need to thank me. The pleasure is all mine, I can assure you.....If you would like to comment, please feel free-only do it on the blog where everyone can benefit from your experience.. www*onknees*blogspot*com